How Ageing Affects Fertility and Pregnancy

How Ageing Affects Fertility and Pregnancy

AGE affects everything going forward and backward. In this way, age affects fertility too. Fertility declines gradually throughout your adult life. People, in general, are aware of women’s fertility issues.  For men and women, although there are different cases amongst both groups, there comes a time when a woman is not able to conceive and the sperm count drops off eventually for men.

For men: Since the age of 20 men starts to lose sperm count by 1% with each passing year. Several indirect factors are lowering male fertility which in the beginning doesn’t matter much, but later it matters a lot. The main issue for men is health in addition to losing sperm count as men age. They may experience problems with libido (sexual drive) and/or erectile dysfunction. Also, they may see a decline in fertility as a result of common changes in an older male, such as increased weight, which negatively impacts fertility.

For women: Women are most fertile in their teens and early 20s when they have about a 25% chance of getting pregnant naturally each month. At age 25-30 a woman’s fertility begins to drop dramatically every year she ages. This speeds up at age 35. With the increasing age, they may face miscarriage, chromosomal abnormalities, decreasing egg quality, etc.

  • How are age and fertility-related?

The early 20s (20 to 24)

People under age 25 have a 96% chance of conceiving in a year if they’re trying each month. If the guy is under 25, the chances are up to 92% of conceiving. That’s because many fertility issues among younger couples are easily treatable and don’t require help from a specialist unless conception is taking longer than one year.

The Late 20s (25 to 29)

From age 25 to 34, you have an 86% chance of conceiving after trying for a year. Your chances of miscarriages are 10%, only a little higher than they were in your early 20s. You need to consult a specialist only if you’ve been actively trying for more than 12 months without success.

The early 30s (30 to 34)

The chances of conceiving are still high — up to an 86% success rate for couples that try for a full year. The only chances of miscarriage by age 30 have risen to 20%.

It is recommended to consult your ob-gyn or primary care physician if you’re still having trouble after 12 months. They can point any problems and treat them before your fertility starts to decline.

The late 30s (35 to 39)

The age of 35 seems to be the point where fertility does decline. At 35, most couples have a 15 to 20% chance of getting pregnant. That could mean a 78% chance of conceiving within the year. There is a 30% chance that women age 35 may take a year or more to conceive. You should not wait that long to find out if you’re one of them.

The early 40s (40 to 44)

At the age of 40s, 90% of a woman’s eggs become chromosomally abnormal. With advancing age, egg/ sperm quality and quantity go down. At this stage, couples may face a few challenges that may make it harder to conceive and stay pregnant. There may be more issues with older male partners, and some older women report uterine lining issues with age. Women may also be approaching menopause and see their cycles shorten.

45 and Over

At 45, a couple’s likelihood of getting pregnant is no more than 3 or 4%. The few eggs you have left. There may have chromosomal abnormalities. Success rates are 0 to 1%.

  • What are your chances of getting pregnant at an advance age?

The IVF specialist at FraidabadDr. Astha Chakravarty says, regardless of your age, you can maximize your chances of conceiving. There is much ART that can help you to achieve pregnancy. There are 3 main types of fertility treatment: medicines. Surgical procedures. Assisted treatments – including intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF), egg/sperm freezing, surrogacy.

A working woman who doesn’t want to get pregnant at an early age can freeze her eggs up until age 40; then she can come back years later and have a good chance of pregnancy even into her 40s, or over the age of 40. If a couple is more than 42-year-old then then other best option is IVF using embryo donation. Most clinics recommend using eggs donated by a younger woman for those who want to conceive between ages 46 and 50 Even if she’s in menopause, because the success rates are about 60 to 65%.