Debunked Common Myths and Misconceptions About Surrogacy

Debunked Common Myths and Misconceptions About Surrogacy

Surrogacy is a beautiful way for many families to bring children into their lives. Despite its growing acceptance, there are still numerous myths and misconceptions surrounding this practice. Let’s debunk some of the most common myths about surrogacy to help you understand the reality behind this life-changing journey.

Myth 1: Surrogacy is Only for the Wealthy

Reality: While surrogacy can be expensive, it is not exclusive to the wealthy. Many intended parents save for years, take out loans, or seek financial assistance to afford surrogacy. Moreover, some surrogacy agencies and fertility centers offer flexible payment plans to make the process more accessible.

Myth 2: Surrogates Are in It for the Money

Reality: While surrogates receive compensation, most are motivated by a deep desire to help others experience the joy of parenthood. Many surrogates report that their primary motivation is the emotional reward of helping another family rather than the financial compensation.

Myth 3: The Surrogate Will Want to Keep the Baby

Reality: Surrogates undergo extensive psychological screening to ensure they are prepared for the emotional aspects of surrogacy. They fully understand and accept that the child they carry is not theirs. Legal contracts also protect the rights of the intended parents, ensuring that surrogates do not have parental claims to the child.

Myth 4: Surrogacy is Unregulated and Risky

Reality: Surrogacy is highly regulated in many parts of the world. Intended parents and surrogates must comply with legal, medical, and psychological evaluations before proceeding. Reputable fertility centers, like Asha IVF & Fertility Centre, ensure that all aspects of surrogacy are handled professionally and ethically, minimizing risks.

Myth 5: Surrogacy Leads to Weak Bonds Between Parents and Child

Reality: The bond between parents and their children is not solely dependent on carrying the child. Many intended parents form strong emotional connections with their children even before birth through regular communication with the surrogate, attending medical appointments, and being present at the birth. Surrogacy often strengthens the intended parents’ appreciation for their child and the journey it took to bring them into the world.

Myth 6: Surrogacy is Unnatural

Reality: Surrogacy is a medical process that provides a solution for individuals who cannot conceive or carry a pregnancy to term. It is a testament to modern medical advancements and the compassionate willingness of surrogates to help others achieve their dreams of parenthood. There is nothing unnatural about wanting to create a family, regardless of the method.

Asha IVF & Fertility Centre: The Best Surrogacy Centre

For those considering surrogacy in India, Asha IVF & Fertility Centre stands out as a beacon of hope and excellence. Known for its compassionate care and high success rates, Asha IVF & Fertility Centre provides comprehensive surrogacy services, ensuring that both intended parents and surrogates receive the best possible support throughout their journey.

Astha Chakravarty: The Best IVF Specialist in India

At the heart of Asha IVF & Fertility Centre is Dr. Astha Chakravarty, a renowned IVF specialist in India. Dr. Astha Chakravarty’s expertise, dedication, and compassionate approach have helped countless families achieve their dreams of parenthood. Her commitment to patient care and her innovative techniques make her a trusted figure in the field of reproductive medicine.


Surrogacy is a viable and fulfilling option for many families. By debunking common myths and misconceptions, we can better appreciate the dedication and compassion that drive this process. With reputable centers like Asha IVF & Fertility Centre and specialists like Dr. Astha Chakravarty, the journey to parenthood through surrogacy is in capable and caring hands. If you’re considering surrogacy, know that support, expertise, and empathy await you at Asha IVF & Fertility Centre.